You can't download it!
Some photos are royalty-free, i.e. you can download them and use them as you wish.
Others, however, are owned by people such as photographers or companies, and are protected. This is shown in a logo or in a comment made by the author that states whether or not it can be used.
You are going to discover several Web pages inviting you to download or copy and paste documents.
If you think that you don't have the right to do this, put them in the RECYCLE BIN
If you think you can download them, put them in the DOWNLOAD FOLDER
You can't download it!
On the Internet, there are comic strips or books that can be downloaded in PDF format.
You can therefore read them on your computer. However, there are legal websites that require users to pay for downloads and which then pay the authors. Others are illegal: they offer free downloads. You must always check whether it's legal or not!
You can't download it!
Websites like YouTube are designed to watch videos. In France, it is forbidden to download the content.
You can download it!
Authors who write articles in collaborative encyclopaedias are not paid any royalties (since they do not own the copyright) and it is therefore perfectly legal to use this content.
However, please note that there are often images published with articles. These are not necessarily royalty-free. You must always check whether the images are royalty-free and that the content is not false!
You can't download it!
Music is being downloaded illegally here.
Usually, streaming websites are legal but it all depends on how people use such sites. If people use them to download films, music or television series without the permission of the authors, it's illegal.
You can download it!
E-books are digital books that can be read on a tablet or an e-reader.
When the copyright for a book has expired (75 years after the death of the author), the book is considered to be in the public domain and is therefore royalty-free. However, you need to always check carefully that the book is indeed in the public domain as otherwise, you cannot download it.
You can download it!
VOD stands for Video On Demand.
You have to pay in order to watch or download a video on your computer. These are legal websites that pass on part of the money they receive from subscribers to the authors. Intellectual property is therefore upheld!
You can download it!
On royalty-free image websites, photos may be accessed by everyone free of charge.
It is therefore perfectly legal to download images.