{"top":230, "left":430, "width": 61, "height": 76, "correction":"valid", "message":"It is disrespectful to the people who will sit there afterwards – it’s breaking the rules. You could get hit with a fine!" }, {"top":240, "left":140, "width": 181, "height": 139, "correction":"valid", "message":"On public transport, there are people resting, working and reading. They don’t necessarily want to hear another passenger’s music. It’s not breaking any laws, but it certainly isn’t very polite!"}, {"top":80, "left":710, "width": 96, "height": 120, "correction":"valid", "message":"These days, lots of people have mobile phones, but there’s no reason why everyone should have to listen to your conversation. It’s not particularly pleasant. It’s not breaking any laws, but it certainly isn’t very polite!" },{"top":126, "left":28, "width": 100, "height": 100, "correction":"valid", "message":"Smoking is banned on public transport. This applies to all vehicles transporting travellers or passengers. It’s an offence punishable by a fine !"},{"top":325, "left":720, "width": 230, "height": 199, "correction":"valid", "message":"After a day’s work, people just want to sit down. A bag, on the other hand, doesn’t get tired! When it’s crowded, it’s more polite to put your bag between your feet and let other passengers sit down if they want to. It’s not breaking any laws, but it certainly isn’t very polite! !"},{"top":210, "left":490, "width": 139, "height": 184, "correction":"valid", "message":"There are priority seats for disabled people or pregnant women. However, if these seats are already taken by people who need them, of course you should offer a pregnant woman your seat. Not giving up your seat isn’t breaking any laws, but it certainly isn’t very polite!" },{"top":34, "left":810, "width": 106, "height": 164, "correction":"valid", "message":"People often get pressed up against each other on public transport – you have to be mindful of the people around you. Sneezing without putting your hand in front of your mouth isn’t breaking any laws, but it certainly isn’t very polite!"}